Dans le thread Lobster Printing the web, part 2: HTML and CSS for printing books

JaiDécouvert plusieurs la propriétés CSS :

The orphans property specifies the minimum number of line boxes in a block container that must be left in a fragment before a fragmentation break. The widows property specifies the minimum number of line boxes of a block container that must be left in a fragment after a break. Examples of how they are used to control fragmentation breaks are given below.



In addition to the specific CSS counter for page, you can use counter(pages) to get the total number of pages.



We are going to make use of the string-set property defined in the CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module which is still a working draft at the W3C.


JaiDécouvert aussi le projet Paged.js.

Paged.js is an Open source library to display paginated content in the browser and to generate print books using web technology.


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