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Journal du dimanche 25 août 2024 à 18:58 #coding, #print, #JaiDécouvert

Dans le thread Lobster Printing the web, part 2: HTML and CSS for printing books

#JaiDécouvert plusieurs la propriétés CSS :

The orphans property specifies the minimum number of line boxes in a block container that must be left in a fragment before a fragmentation break. The widows property specifies the minimum number of line boxes of a block container that must be left in a fragment after a break. Examples of how they are used to control fragmentation breaks are given below.

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In addition to the specific CSS counter for page, you can use counter(pages) to get the total number of pages.

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We are going to make use of the string-set property defined in the CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module which is still a working draft at the W3C.

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#JaiDécouvert aussi le projet Paged.js.

Paged.js is an Open source library to display paginated content in the browser and to generate print books using web technology.

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