Lundi 12 août 2024 à 11:09
#JaiLu le thread Hacker News Turbo 8 is dropping TypeScript.
Quelques extraits :
I highly recommend reading the PR discussion for this.
Some summary:
- forced through without any discussion
- many maintainers raising questions, but no answers
- random changes attached to the PR (formatters, etc)
Wherever you land on types, I think we can agree that this is not an ideal way to make a change to a larger open source project. This has all the hallmarks of an executive decision made on a whim, and forced through at the last minute. Lead maintainers certainly have the right to make big changes on a whim, but giving people some notice before breaking other projects and having good communication is true leadership.
After using TypeScript I could never go back. The amount of times it's saved me or got me up to speed quickly is countless. It does come with a cost and god the error messages are just awful sometimes but I'd die before I ever work in a js only project again.
I wonder if type annotations (JSDoc) on plain JS could be the way to go. Lint, but don’t compile. This should work seamlessly with NPM modules etc.