Lundi 19 août 2024 à 11:46
Alexandre m'a partagé Kopia, logiciel Open source de backup, alternatif à restic.
7000 likes GitHub versus 25000 likes pour Restic.
Je constate que Kopia est développé principalement par 2 développeurs et je constate le même nombre pour Restic.
J'ai parcouru cette page qui date de 2 ans : How Do Kopia Features Compare to Other Backup Software?.
En 2022, il semble que restic ne supportait pas la compression de données, mais je constate via cette Pull Request Implement compression support que cette feature est maintenant intégrée à restic.
#JaiLu en partie le thread Hacker News : Kopia: Fast and secure open-source backup software.
Initially I thought this was a corporate project and was looking for the monetization model, but then I found https://github.com/kopia/kopia/blob/master/GOVERNANCE.md
I feel like the project might benefit from making their governance model more prominent on the website.
-- from
D'après ces commentaires, Kopia est lent à la restauration :
Used it for a while, recently tried to restore some things and it failed, taking a really long time to restore some snapshots compared to other things I've tried. Switched to restic instead. Really like what kopia is but I'll wait a few more years before considering it for something, but right now I'm happy with restic.
This has been my experience too with Kopia.
I tried to restore a ~200 GB file (stored remotely on a Hetzner Storage Box), and it failed (or at least did not finish after being left for ~20 hours; there was also no progress indicator or status I could find in the UI).
I also tried to restore a folder with about ~32 GB of data in it, and that also failed (the UI did report an error, but I don't recall it being useful).
Also, in general use, the UI would get disconnected from the repository every few days, and sometimes the backup overview list would show folders as being size 0 (which maybe indicated they failed; they showed up with an "incomplete" [or similar] tag in the UI).
-- from
Il semble que l'outil Veloro utilisait restic et ait migré vers Kopia :
One thing I will mention is that other backup projects have switched from Restic to Kopia. Velero from VMware comes to mind.
-- from
À ce sujet, j'ai vu Unified Repository & Kopia Integration Design et je n'ai pas tout compris.
Alexandre m'a appris que Veloro supporte pour le moment Kopia et restic mais que le support restic est en train d'être supprimé : Deprecate Restic.
Voilà l'origine du nom 🙂 :
"Kopia" means "copy" in Swedish and probably more Nordic languages, too.
-- from
J'ai vu ce commentaire :
Personally, I've had some issues with Kopia.
I found their explanation here:
Still not solved after many years :(
Ma doctrine pour le moment : je vais rester sur restic.