Je m'interroge, pourquoi tant de beaux projets sont codés en Closure ?
Journal du mardi 30 avril 2024 à 16:04
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Journal du lundi 13 mai 2024 à 19:07
Suite de Je m'interroge, pourquoi tant de beaux projets sont codés en Closure ?.
Encore Nautilus time-blocking tool que je trouve intéressant, codé en Closure : https://nautilus-omnibus.web.app
Voici les arguments que donne ici l'auteur de ce logiciel pour expliquer pourquoi il a choisi Closure :
It has to be said that Clojurescript is an excellent fit for text-based Roam. The Nautilus code in Clojurescript is, in a way, one “big function,” transforming text (task list) into another text (SVG code), which renders the spiral. What I enjoy most about working with Clojure is the mindset where code and data are almost one. With REPL, you can easily evaluate parts of the code for debugging and even rewrite code on the fly.
Hooray, and now Nautilus is finally part of the extensions menu in Roam Depot and it already has several hundred users. More are joining daily.